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Wed Feb 7

Why Cognitive Health Matters to Older Adults and Millennials?

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Approximately 14% of adults aged over 60 and above live with a mental disorder (Source: World Health Organization). Just like a well-maintained tool your brain also needs continuous attention to perform well and as an adult if you ignore your health then you might face cognitive issues like sleepiness, mental focus issues and memory loss.

Your mental abilities always begin from your cognitive health and that’s why it should never be taken for granted. As you grow older your cognitive health starts declining but you can take care of it and in this article we will thoroughly discuss why cognitive health matters to older people and how you can prevent different issues by following some effective methods.

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Importance of Cognitive Health to Older Adults and Millennials

For older adults and millennials, cognitive health is really crucial because it has a potential to affect their well-being , independence and level of productivity. Cognitive health has a full control over our quality of life, because it:

  • Controls our functional ability- Cognitive health helps older adults to perform everyday activities like shopping, cooking and taking medicines. For millennials it also allows them to achieve their career goals, such as studying, working or learning new skills.
  • Has an effect on emotional health- Cognitive health influences the ways older adults and millennials respond to your emotion and it can also affect their mood and mental health through issues like depression and anxiety.
  • Facilitate our social health- Cognitive health makes social interaction and communication easier, which is important for older people and millennials to maintain meaningful relationships and social support. It also improves social norms and behavior like empathy, cooperation and etiquette. 

Improving cognitive issues is important for good decision making, problem-solving, creativity and emotional processing and there are a variety of ways through which you can cure it.

Effective methods for Prevention of Cognitive Issues in Older Adults

Given below are some tips that can cure sleepiness , mental focus issues with other cognitive problems:

  1. Do physical activity

 The best way you can increase your cognitive ability is by regularly exercising and at least doing 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activities like jogging, running or walking per week. 

  1. Eat healthier foods

 A healthy diet always reduces the risk of cognitive decline. Some of the food you can eat to increase your mental ability are:

  • Green Tea- Green tea consists of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins that help alleviate mental fatigue and boosts brain function. 
  • Avocado – Avocado consists of monounsaturated fat which contributes to healthy blood flow, that automatically contributes to a healthy brain. 
  • Eggs- The egg yolks are rich in choline which is a nutrient that the brain uses to make a neurotransmitter that maintains  memory and communication among brain cells.
  • Blueberry- Fruits like blueberry prevents the brain from oxidative stress and lessen the effect of dementia. 
  • Leafy greens– Green vegetables like spinach are a great source of folic acid and help prevent dementia mostly in women and also improves memory.
  • Dark Chocolate- It might be surprising for you to believe that dark chocolate is in this list but it is true and some studies have confirmed that it improves brain memory because it has brain boosting components like flavonoids and caffeine. And, because of its great taste, dark chocolate is also a good mood booster. 
  1. Stay mentally active 

Engaging in activities that challenge your brain such as puzzles, reading or learning new skills increases your mental stimulation and helps maintain cognitive abilities.

  1. Interact with your surroundings 

Socializing with people around you positively has an impact on your cognitive health. In older people socializing regularly reduces the feeling of loneliness and supports brain function. 

  1. Prioritize quality sleep 

For your sleepiness to be cured , you have to improve your sleep. Lack of sleep can cost you memory issues, poor concentration and overall decline in your cognitive health. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to maintain your cognitive health. 


By now we have understood the ways through which the older people and millennials can work on their cognitive health to function properly. Remember small lifestyle changes can more importantly contribute to the overall cognitive well-being.

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